Isn’t life amazing? Just when we think we have got it; we have absolutely no idea what on earth is going on! And this is only the beginning of an on-going phase of personal and en-mass confusion and unpredictability!  Never again will life be as we once knew it.

The wave of worldwide chaos, global troubles and general uncertainty – evident ever since the onset of the new century and millennium – is surprisingly intentional – bringing with it unexpected opportunities for extra-ordinary human growth and development – as hard as that is to believe at the moment!

To begin to understand why, let’s remind ourselves that everybody and everything has its own cycle – each intricately intertwined – and a century is no exception. The first 25 years are the century’s spring when new concepts begin to emerge – the second quarter is its summer when these ideas blossom and bloom coming into fruition – followed by 25 years of autumn during which we harvest the rewards-  while the last 25 years are its winter – a time  when things begin to quieten down as old thoughts wither and die.

Think about it! Despite the world wars – or possibly because of them – the greatest inventions of the last century were up until the 1950’s and 1960’s. After this these developments were expanded upon, fine-tuned and sophisticated to suit modern needs. During the remnants of the 20th century’s winter, there were endless upheavals taking on a variety of unexpected forms – the notorious ‘foot and mouth dis-ease’, tragic train crashes, horrific plane disasters as well as a whole series of personal crises. All causing huge uneasiness and a horrifying escalation of dis-ease. – uneasiness within.

So it is  that we have been experiencing a mammoth Universal ‘wake-up call’  – yet the butt is still passed on questioning ‘what are THEY (i.e. the governments) doing about it?’-  instead of ‘what can I do  to make things better?’  The Universe uses extreme measures to get our attention giving us ample opportunities ‘to clean up our own act’. When ignored more dramatic events are used to get us to sit up and pay heed – such as 911 and the tragic death of our much-loved Princess Diana. Drastic steps have once again become the only way to gain global attention.

Universal energies are intentionally ‘knocking us off our feet’ to help us to come ‘to our senses’- to enjoy a more fulfilling and meaningful life free from the concerns and worries that plague us today. How we respond will determine the outcome. Those who resist will experience hell while those who have faith and go with the flow will ultimately discover ‘heaven on earth’.

The reality is that the world is as it is because of us – so we are the only ones able to return it to its natural state of glory and global peace.  To prevent everything coming to a complete standstill and to reduce the growing incidence of disaster and dis-ease it is time to ‘put our own homes and lives in order’ and adopt an on-going positive attitude.

In this way, hidden talents and unbelievable resourcefulness will be rediscovered raising en masse consciousness. It may all seem rather Utopia-ish, but what is the alternative? The continual destruction of ourselves and the planet? Not for me! I would rather tune into the Universal wavelength and ask for Divine guidance for unbelievable insights on offer.

The choice is ours. Heaven or hell?